Presented by Boca Raton’s Promise’s Art Committee and Gallery 22
Wednesday, January 17, Two sessions: 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Gallery 22, Royal Palm Place, 282 Via Naranja, Boca Raton, FL 33432
Participants enjoy a night of personal expression, creativity and camaraderie as they grab a paint brush and join in creating a community “conversation on canvas” that will become a touring exhibition throughout the community. No art experience necessary.
Admission: Public invited. $5 per person in advance, $10 at door, includes light refreshments. Limited to 25 people per session. Free parking; paid valet parking is available. Click here to buy tickets.
Interactive "Conversations on Canvas" is part of TAKE 5 For You™: a collection of engaging, interactive programs and events presented to kick-start personal balance, growth and hope in the New Year.
Through a robust program series blend of art, music, comedy, literature, theater, mind/body/soul balance and spiritual enlightenment, TAKE 5 For You™ this January delivers empowering opportunities to help energize you to hit your “personal reboot” button for more self-discovery, fulfillment and enjoyment in 2018. Whether you are seeking reflection, renewal and reconnection or a bit of entertainment, laughter and fun with family and friends…it’s time you TAKE 5 For You.
Created and produced by Boca Raton’s Promise (www.bocaratonspromise.org), the series is presented in collaboration with a growing list of agencies, organizations and personal coaches, including:
Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center
Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services
Deborah & Larry D. Silver Center for Jewish Engagement, A Division of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach
Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life™ Barbara Schmidt and Michelle Maros
Gallery 22, Royal Palm Place
Neurocore Brain Performance Centers
Mat Matterz, Mary Ann Morgan-Fried
EmpowHERful Voice, Suzy Garber
Sacred Treehouse, Patty Shutt, Psy. D.
The Association Of Eating Disorders Professionals(iaedp), The Alliance For Eating Disorders Awareness, Center For Discovery and Carolina House.
Interactive “Conversations on Canvas” Night
Presented by:

Tues., Jan. 16 - 7:00 PM
“Secret No More: A True Story of Hope for Parents with an Addicted Child”
Tues., Jan. 16 - 6:30 PM
Mindful Boca: An Evening with Glennon Doyle
Wed., Jan. 17 - 6 PM & 8 PM Interactive "Conversation on Canvas" Night
Wed., Jan. 17 - 6:30 PM
Fattitude: A Body Positive Documentary Screening and Q&A with Filmmaker
Thurs., Jan. 18 - 12 Noon
(re)Train Your Brain Lunch & Learn
Sat., Jan., 20 - 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself From The Critical Voice Within
Sat., Jan. 20 - 1:00 PM
Meditation For Meaning:Newbies 101
Sat., Jan. 20 - 2:15 PM
Personal Visioning 101
Sat., Jan. 20 - 7:00 PM
"You've Got A Friend" Coffee House
Sun., Jan. 21 - 10:30 AM
Altar EGO
Sun., Jan. 21 - 12 Noon
Mental Health Awareness 101
About Boca Raton’s Promise:
A non-profit organization based in Boca Raton that drives BOCA BRAVE grassroots community awareness and education initiatives to “break the silence” on mental illness by starting critical conversations at home, school, work and play. Key objectives are to help reduce the stigma that prevents children and families in crisis to seek help and gain access to much needed mental health services and treatment, raise sensitivity to those in such need, support youth-focused educational programming, provide training for and certification on first-responder mental health first aid, educate community on available resources and raise funds to maximize opportunities to ignite and sustain the vital messaging.
For more information on TAKE 5 For You™ programming and sponsorship opportunities, contact Jon Kaye, Kaye Communications, jkaye@kcompr.com, (561) 392-5166.
Questions or Comments? Looking forward to hearing from you!